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Sexual violence awareness campaign seeks to create a culture of care on P.E.I. [Video]

Prince Edward Island News

Almost a year into P.E.I.’s awareness campaign around sexual violence, the province says it’s seeing results. 

The Let’s Change the Story campaign, part of government’s five-year plan to address sexual violence on the Island, includes advertisements on the radio, on social media and at bus stations. 

“We may not always identify ourselves as being survivors or maybe people who cause harm, but one thing that’s quite universal is that we all may become witness to a form of sexual violence,” said Eileen Conboy, sexual violence prevention and response co-ordinator with the Interministerial Women’s Secretariat. 

One of the campaign’s ads at a bus stop demonstrates how Islanders can change the language they use when talking about consent. It corrects the phrase “Jamie assumed consent” to instead say “Jamie asked for consent.” 

The Let’s Change the Story campaign is part of the P.E.I. government’s five-year plan to address sexual violence. CBC’s Taylor …

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