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Shots fired at Ahuntsic-Cartierville apartment building [Video]

Quebec News

An apartment building was the victim of gunfire Monday night in Montreal’s Ahuntsic-Cartierville borough.

Montreal police (SPVM) received a 911 call at 9 p.m. about the sound of gunshots on Poutrincourt Avenue near Dudemaine Street.

When officers arrived on site, they found shell casings on the ground and damage to at least one window.

There were no reported injuries, and there have been no arrests.

Investigators are working to determine the circumstances surrounding the shooting. 

Removing the roadblocks: How provinces can lead the charge on boosting internal trade
Removing the roadblocks: How provinces can lead the charge on boosting internal trade
Trump’s tariffs have changed Canada’s political calculus about internal trade barriers: Diya Jiang, Daniel Béland and Trevor Tombe in the Globe and Mail