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Simmons Sports Centre delay leaves user groups looking for other places to play [Video]

Prince Edward Island News

Despite the city offering no definitive timeline for when Charlottetown’s new Simmons Sports Centre will open, some groups slated to use the facility say they should be able to find ways to continue their seasons.

Earlier this month, staff at the newly built arena discovered they were unable to make ice because of a leak in the pipes within the arena’s concrete surface slab.

The centre was initially scheduled to open Oct. 14, but there is now no firm timeline for when the repairs will be complete to allow the rink to open. 

The delayed opening has led to frustration and a bit of nerves for some sport groups relying on ice time at Simmons. That includes the Charlottetown Ringette Association, which is scheduled to host a major tournament at the centre in January. 

Mike Devine, president of the Charlottetown Ringette Association, says there is high demand for ice time …
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