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Small lakeside community near Rawdon trapped for days after historic storm [Video]

Quebec News

Friday’s storm washed away the only road residents from the community of Lac-Claude near Rawdon had, leaving them trapped for nearly three days.

“It had rained ridiculously hard for almost two days and the lake rose quite a bit. My dock was underwater. Docs were floating all over the place. And I thought, ‘What the hell! How are we going to get out of here?’” Christiane Hermanns, a resident of Lac-Claude, said in an interview.

Hermanns was one of a hundred residents stranded.

The only way the community had to get much-needed supplies like medicine and baby formula over the river was a pedal boat.

“It was scary. It was scary,” she said.

Fortunately for residents, the town of Rawdon built a temporary dirt road through private property, reconnecting the community of mostly seniors with the outside world.

“It’s not a real road but it’s perfect for now so the people can go into the village Emergencies. The firemen if something bad can happen,” the Deputy …

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