Ontario News

Speeding 50 km/h over the limit on rural road leads to suspension for Brampton driver [Video]

Police are urging drivers to watch their speed after a Brampton driver was pulled off the road after going 50 km/h over the limit on a rural Ontario road.

The high-speed traffic stop happened on Monday while officers with the Wellington County OPP were working traffic enforcement in Erin, around 40 kilometres northwest of Brampton.

That’s when police say they spotted a vehicle being driven “at a high rate of speed.”

Police pulled the driver over on Trafalgar Road and say the 31-year-old from Brampton was going more than 50 km/h over the speed limit.

The driver from Brampton was charged with stunning and speeding offences, and had their license suspended for 30 days.

The vehicle was also impounded for two weeks, police say.

The high-speed incident has police reminding drivers to take caution on the road and anyone who suspects a driver of operating unsafely or while impaired by …

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