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Stanley Cup coming to Waterloo and Six Nations [Video]

Ontario News

The Stanley Cup will make stops in Waterloo Region and Six Nations after the Florida Panthers secured their first Stanley Cup victory in franchise history.

Brandon Montour will be bringing the trophy to Six Nations on July 24.

According to a news release from Six Nations of the Grand River, the celebration will take place from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. at the Six Nations Sports and Culture Memorial Arena.

Montour is also expected to take part in a parade that will start at the Ohsweken Speedway and end at the arena.

Once he arrives, there will be a special ceremony including a presentation of the Six Nations Honourary Ronateríhonte (Leader) Award.

Fans in Waterloo, meanwhile, will get their own opportunity to get up close and personal with Lord Stanley’s Cup the following day, July 25.

Steven Lorentz, who also plays for the Panthers, will be bringing the cup to …

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