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Startup dumps magnesium into the ocean in bid to ease global warming [Video]

Canadian National News

Most climate models now show that cutting emissions won’t be enough to curb global warming, leading to new interest in carbon capture as a solution.

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia — From the grounds of a gas-fired power plant on the eastern shores of Canada, a little-known company is pumping a slurry of minerals into the ocean in the name of stopping climate change.

Whether it’s pollution or a silver bullet that will save the planet may depend on whom you ask.

From shore, a pipe releases a mixture of water and magnesium oxide — a powdery white mineral used in everything from construction to heartburn pills that Planetary Technologies, based in Nova Scotia, is betting will absorb more planet-warming gases into the sea.

“Restore the climate. Heal the ocean,” reads the motto stamped on a shipping container nearby.

Planetary is part of a growing industry racing to engineer a solution to global warming …

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