How are First Nations
How are First Nations' fish farms transforming the West Coast?: Ken Coates and Dallas Smith
The best response to Trump is to not lose our heads—and to keep our powder dry: Brian Lee Crowley in The Hub

Steinbach residents to see tax increase due to reassessment – [Video]

Canadian National News

City approves $37.4 million budget for 2025

Steinbach City Council has approved the 2025 budget in principle, with Deputy Mayor Michael Zwaagstra describing it as a “uniquely challenging” budget year. Taxpayers will see an increase in their bills this year due to it being a reassessment year. While the city is keeping the mill rate the same as last year, an increase in property assessments means that residents will likely notice an increase in their taxes. For a dwelling with a market value of $250,000, the annual city property taxes will be around $1,620.

A slide from the presentation of the City of Steinbach 2025 Financial Plan presentation.

Budget Presentation

Brian Hrehirchuk, Senior Manager of Finance for the City of Steinbach, provided details during a public hearingon Tuesday evening. “I am pleased to be presenting the city’s 2025 financial plan to highlight some of the main items that are planned for the upcoming year. The annual budget cycle is almost a continuous …

Happily ever after? The case for marriage:  Peter Copeland, Andrea Mrozek & Peter Jon Mitchell
Happily ever after? The case for marriage: Peter Copeland, Andrea Mrozek & Peter Jon Mitchell
Duelling tax cuts from the Liberals and Conservatives improve family budgets—but do little for the economy: Trevor Tombe in The Hub