The Town of Stratford is seeking public feedback on its draft street vendor bylaw, which proposes new regulations for the operation and permitting of food trucks within the municipality.
Under the proposed rules, mobile food vendors would be allowed in five town parks: Fullerton’s Creek Conservation Park, Robert Cotton Park, Michael Thomas Waterfront Park, Pondside Park and Tea Hill Park, as well as a few commercial areas.
A public meeting is scheduled for Wednesday evening at Stratford Town Hall, and written comments can be submitted until noon on Friday, March 7.
Stratford is holding a public meeting to gather input on the town’s new draft bylaw on street food vendors. Officials have mapped out eight areas they will allow vendors to set up, including the town’s five parks. We speak with Mayor Steve Ogden about the plan.
Mayor Steve Ogden said the town wants to hear from both residents and key stakeholders, including …