Canadian National News

Streamers deliver gifts you can rely on Winnipeg Free Press [Video]

EVEN beyond the Canada Post labour issue, it’s a fact of life that not all gifts arrive in time for the big day. Conversely, sometimes a gift presents itself, so to speak, so far in advance — say, bought on sale and stashed in the “gift drawer” and forgotten — that it’s doubly welcome for the surprise factor. Just me?

Perhaps, but that sets up the first item on this biweekly let’s-check-this-TV series-out-shall-we?

Laid (all two seasons streaming now on Tubi)

Noted and then long forgotten is the 2011-12 Australian series about a woman named Roo (Alison Bell) who discovers that her former lovers are dying.

The pace of this dry cringe comedy is slow, but the payoff increases the further and darker the story goes on.

Nestled in the free streaming app Tubi, it’s a worthy placeholder until sometime in the spring when Stack/W Network will host the première of livelier-looking U.S. version, filmed recently in Vancouver …

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