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Student enrollment reaches historical high, U of R says [Video]

Saskatchewan News

The University of Regina (U of R) says it has seen its highest enrollment ever, with 17,409 students registered for the fall term.

A news release from the university says that number represents an increase of 524 students from one year ago.

The U of R says there is also 2,332 Indigenous students and 4,793 international students.

“This is a fantastic start to the Fall term in our 50th anniversary year, and we are excited to welcome both new and returning students,” Dr. Jeff Keshen, president and vice-chancellor of the University of Regina said in the release.

According to the U of R, enrollment numbers will be official in October and numbers now are preliminary.

The higher registration turnout comes amidst another year of tuition increases for the school.

In the spring, the U of R said it was hiking tuition fees by four per cent for a second consecutive …

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