The hidden world of organized crime in Canada: Todd Hataley and Alexander Dalziel
The hidden world of organized crime in Canada: Todd Hataley and Alexander Dalziel
The long road back for relevance in Canada’s global standing: Robert W. Murray in National Newswatch

Student Voices: Forming friendships in the silliest of ways [Video]

Ontario News

I never thought I would get sunburned at a journalism camp. However, on the first day I arrived I was quickly proven wrong.

When signing up for the High School Journalism Institute I was expecting an air conditioned office building and long lectures on how to become a better journalist. To my surprise, I would be putting on a harness to participate in a rope challenge course at least 30 feet off the ground.

When the 17 other young journalists and I arrived at the challenge course we stared in suspense at the tightropes, suspended bridges and zip line. Never have I ever seen such an intimidating team bonding activity.

Introductions started out tame, icebreakers and name games, but soon our time would come to scale the obstacle course.

The instructors brought out the harnesses, helmets, and C hooks. Some opted to sit out of the entire activity, while most …

First Nations Wealth Production and Management
First Nations Wealth Production and Management
Double Trouble – Reflections from GLOBESEC: Jonathan Berkshire Miller, Marcus Kolga, and Alexander Lanoszka