As war in Sudan rages, Canada has welcomed only a fraction of the number of refugees it has from other countries in crisis. CBC’s David Common looks at what’s going on and speaks to people who say there is a double standard when it comes to immigration policy and that institutional racism is a major factor.
This story is part of Welcome to Canada, a CBC News series about immigration told through the eyes of the people who have experienced it.
For more than a year and a half, Ismail Adam, 61, of Mississauga, Ont., has been seized with dread every time he receives a phone call.
“You just hope the phone [call] is not from Sudan,” he says, “because you don’t want to hear the news.”
News out of the country these days is generally grim. Sudan is plagued by cascading tragedies: an ongoing internal military conflict, a growing risk of famine and an epidemic of …