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Summer events planned to celebrate West Point lighthouse turning 150 years old [Video]

Prince Edward Island News

The West Point lighthouse is turning 150 this summer, and plenty of events are planned to mark the occasion.

Construction of the distinct striped square-tapered tower began in 1875. Since then, the western Prince Edward Island landmark has been featured in many tourism promotions as well as on postage stamps.

Joanne Boulter is part of the 15-person committee organizing the anniversary celebrations. She is helping put together an art exhibit for the opening day on June 7, featuring artwork inspired by the iconic lighthouse’s history.

“The lighthouse, it’s just so majestic — like where it sits — and it’s part of the community. It’s a pride,” she told CBC’s Island Morning.

The exhibit will be held at the West Point Harbourside Centre, and Boulter said preparations are going well.

“Some people at our meeting have miniatures that they did of the lighthouse that they are also going to bring to the Harbourside,” …

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