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Survey shows Quebec anglophones feeling more insecure [Video]

Quebec News

On Monday, Statistics Canada released its most detailed portrait since 2006 on how official language minority communities are faring across the country.

In Quebec, the survey showed a third of anglophones are hesitant to speak English in public and more than a quarter of young anglophones plan on leaving the province in the next five years.

Quebec Community Groups Network director Sylvia Martin-Laforge said they were among those who consulted with the agency on the survey to ensure the right questions were asked.

“This report is more reflective of what we need to know about our community, because even back in 2006 and before, the English-speaking community didn’t really think of itself as a minority community. But now we do,” Martin-Laforge said.

The survey, conducted in 2022, found 31 per cent of anglophones reported they felt hesitant or insecure to speak English in the last five years and 36 per …

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