Does salmon farming have a future in Canada?: Ken Coates and Linda Sams
Does salmon farming have a future in Canada?: Ken Coates and Linda Sams
Japan’s struggle against disinformation: Kyoko Kuwahara for Inside Policy

Tariffs threaten Florida tourism – CGTN [Video]

Canadian Economy and Markets

Tensions between the United States and its trading partners could have significant economic implications for all nations involved. In Florida, there are particular concerns about the state’s tourism and hospitality sectors in the face of an expanding U.S. tariff war with Canada. CGTN’s Nitza Soledad Perez reports from Miami.

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Combatting Disinformation: The Importance of Partnership between Japan and Canada
Combatting Disinformation: The Importance of Partnership between Japan and Canada
Alberta Children’s Charter, a bold step in the right direction for youth transgender policy: Stéphane Sérafin and Geoffrey Sigalet