Alberta News

Temple ‘bird house’ raising ire of neighbours; Calgary bylaw investigating [Video]

A “bird house” in the northeast Calgary community of Temple is causing some residents to seek action from the city.

The home stands out, with flocks of birds hovering or visiting the backyard and with access from the alleyway, the residents of the home feed all wild birds with food, seeds and water.

Seagulls, ravens, crows and blue jays along with finches have found a home, much to the displeasure of some nearby neighbours.

“They’re just leaving such a mess behind. It’s just unreal,” said John Kornelson, who has lived in the area since the early 1990s.

It’s a mess seen throughout the neighbourhood, with bird feces on the sides of homes, roofs and sidewalks.

Kornelson’s home backs onto the shared alleyway where those birds migrate to.

“We’ve lived here for like 25, 30 years and we have the occasional bird, which is normal,” he said.

“But in the last …

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