Happily ever after? The case for marriage:  Peter Copeland, Andrea Mrozek & Peter Jon Mitchell
Happily ever after? The case for marriage: Peter Copeland, Andrea Mrozek & Peter Jon Mitchell
A lifeline for Ukraine that costs Canadian taxpayers nothing: Balkan Devlen, Aaron Gasch Burnett, and Yuliya Ziskina in National Newswatch

The grinding war pitting Ukraine against its Russian invaders has escalated ahead of Donald Trump’s inauguration [Video]

North West Territories News

The grinding war between Ukraine and its Russian invaders has escalated ahead of Donald Trump’s inauguration, with President Joe Biden rushing out billions of dollars more in military aid before U.S. support for Kyiv’s defenses is thrown into question under the new administration.Related video above: Biden works to cement legacy during final month in officeRussia, Ukraine and their global allies are scrambling to put their side in the best possible position for any changes that Trump may bring to American policy in the nearly 3-year-old war. The president-elect insisted in recent days that Russia and Ukraine immediately reach a ceasefire and said Ukraine should likely prepare to receive less U.S. military aid.On the war’s front lines, Ukraine’s forces are mindful of Trump’s fast-approaching presidency and the risk of losing their biggest backer.If that happens, “those people who are with me, my unit, we are not going to retreat,” a Ukrainian …

Marcell Wilson explains how negative influences & social isolation draw young men to gang culture
Marcell Wilson explains how negative influences & social isolation draw young men to gang culture
To create a grand strategy for a world in turmoil, Canada should think smaller: Jonathan Berkshire Miller in the Globe and Mail