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The Making of Traditional Costa Rica Pottery from Guaitil : [Video]

First Nations News

Guaitil is a community of true authenticity preserving history and time throughout the years, there are no replicas or facades here, just ingenuity and spirit. Nestled off the beaten path between Santa Cruz and Nicoya is where you will find the artesian pottery village of Guaitil, in Guancaste’s province often referred to as the Chorotega region.

The Chorotega people inhabited the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica originally after being driven away from Mexico. However, through the years the Chorotega indigenous community has decreased with time. Although they are not a population that once was, they are proud of their ancestral methods and culture preserving their legacy through their famous art of clay pottery making.

From generation to generation over centuries the artisan pottery traditions have been passed down keeping the primitive techniques of the Chorotega indigenous peoplealive. Every step and tool involved is in its purest form embracing their heritage which …

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