Come From Away is on at the Grand Opera House. The show shares the incredible real-life story of the 7,000 air passengers from all over the world who were grounded in Canada during the wake of 9/11, and the small Newfoundland community that invited these ‘come from aways’ into their lives with open hearts. Belfast actor Mark Dugdale tells Robin Elliott why this is such a special show to be involved with!
If you have Virgin Media cable, NVTV will automatically appear on Channel 159 of your Virgin Box. If you have Freeview you’ll need to rescan the channels on your TV. On almost every TV and Freeview box, this is really easy to do! Follow our simple guide with easy-to-follow instructions and you’ll be enjoying local TV on Freeview Channel 7 in no time at all! All televisions receive Freeview simply by attaching an aerial, even those that receive SKY.