Karen Restoule on the challenges of Indigenous economic development in Canada: MLI in Parliament
Karen Restoule on the challenges of Indigenous economic development in Canada: MLI in Parliament
The Reform Act could have saved Canada from Liberal leadership drama: David Livingstone for Inside Policy

There needs to be an entrance into the express lane on west 470 at Yosemite [Video]

Quebec News

Rita from Lone Tree writes, “What’s driving you crazy? Jayson, do you know if CDOT is aware of the backups on westbound C470 before Quebec? Once you exit I-25 onto C-470 there is always a huge slowdown until you pass Quebec. There needs to be an entrance into the express lane at Yosemite. If there were, I would use that every time that slow down showed up. With no express lane entrance until Quebec, we are forced to stay in the very slow traffic until after Quebec. I truly think adding an express lane entrance at Yosemite would quickly pay for itself. Those slowdown’s are annoying and it would be worth the money to take the express lane for a few miles. Just wondering if you know if CDOT has any plans to add an entrance around Yosemite? Thanks! BTW, you are the best traffic guy out there!”

Yes Rita, CDOT is aware of the …

Eco-colonialism and Indigenous involvement in the natural resource sector
Eco-colonialism and Indigenous involvement in the natural resource sector
Islamist group using Canada to plot caliphate schemes must be banned: Joe Adam George in the National Post