Russia and China, partners in the Arctic? / Double Trouble: Balkan Devlen with Alex Dalziel
Russia and China, partners in the Arctic? / Double Trouble: Balkan Devlen with Alex Dalziel
The next PM must remind Canada’s public servants who really runs the show: David Mulroney in the Hub

This economist thinks a basic income guarantee could and should work for P.E.I. [Video]

Prince Edward Island News
  • 8 hours ago
  • News
  • Duration 5:32

The idea of the province offering Islanders a guaranteed basic income has been talked about for years. Lately, there have been some tangible efforts to make it a reality. One group that studied the idea presented its proposal to a government committee this week. CBC News: Compass host Steve Bruce spoke to the report’s author, economist Benoit Robidoux, to find out more.

Double Trouble: COLD WAR 2.0 / Balkan Devlen with George Takach
Double Trouble: COLD WAR 2.0 / Balkan Devlen with George Takach
No reason for Canada to rush AI policy