Converting Opportunity into Indigenous Prosperity: Accomplishments and Challenges in the Oil Sands
Converting Opportunity into Indigenous Prosperity: Accomplishments and Challenges in the Oil Sands
Are gender interventions helpful? First do no harm! David Zitner for Inside Policy

Tick-spread illnesses are on the rise in Canada. Are surveillance, awareness efforts keeping up? [Video]

Canadian National News

This story is part of CBC Health’s Second Opinion, a weekly analysis of health and medical science news emailed to subscribers on Saturday mornings. If you haven’t subscribed yet, you can do that by clicking here.

One morning in Sept. 2021, MaryAnn Harris felt strangely tired. She told her husband, Charles de Lint, that she needed to lie down. Then more worrisome symptoms began cropping up, from nausea to double vision.

The Ottawa couple rushed to a local emergency department. 

At first, the cause of Harris’s ailment was a mystery. The ER team ran various tests, and after a few hours with no answers, they sent her husband home due to visitor restrictions put in place during the pandemic.

By the time de Lint came back the next day, his beloved partner of four decades was unresponsive and on life support in the intensive care unit.

“You don’t know what to think, what to feel,” de Lint recalled. “It was just …

Canada in the global energy transition: Alexander Dalziel and Heather Exner-Pirot
Canada in the global energy transition: Alexander Dalziel and Heather Exner-Pirot
The Trudeau government’s tax on American tech giants is a lose-lose for consumers and the Canadian economy: David Collins in the Hub