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Tickets for non-compliant tires in Montreal shatter previous highs [Video]

Quebec News

The number of tickets Montreal police (SPVM) handed out to drivers who did not swap their winter tires or were driving with tires in poor condition exploded in 2024.

In 2023, SPVM officers handed out 471 tickets for tires in poor or not conforming condition and 238 for not being winter tires.

Up to Dec. 5 of this year, 853 tickets were handed out for poor condition and 552 for not being winter tires.

At 1,405, the number of tickets far surpasses the highest total of tickets in the past half-decade, which was recorded in 2018 when 882 offences were issued.

Here are the numbers in the past six years:

  • 2018: 628, 254 (882 total)
  • 2019: 482, 378 (860 total)
  • 2020: 385, 323 (708 total)
  • 2021: 503, 313 (816 total)
  • 2022: 445, 154 (599 total)
  • 2023: 471, 238 (709 total)
  • 2024 (up to Dec. 5): 853, 552 (1,405 total)

Some of those tickets were handed out when the SPVM set up checkpoints on Dec. 3 and 4 to check …

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