Newfoundland and Labrador News

Titan sub’s eerie final moments revealed in new audio that detected ominous noise 900 miles from explosion [Video]

A thunderous roar ripped through the Atlantic Ocean when the doomed Titan submersible imploded in 2023, killing all five people onboard.

The audio was captured from a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration device about 900 miles from where the sub dropped off the radar south of Newfoundland, US Coast Guard officials announced as they shared the roughly 20 second clip on Friday.

It reported that the ominous noise is the ‘suspected acoustic signature’ of the vessel’s implosion on June 18, 2023, which killed Shahzada Dawood, 48, and his son Suleman, 19; British businessman Hamish Harding, 58; former French navy diver Paul-Henri Nargeolet, 77; and co-founder of the sub owner’s company OceanGate Stockton Rushton, 61.

The eerie recording is the latest piece of evidence to emerge in the wake of the ill-fated expedition which sparked a huge investigation into determining the cause and the company’s processes as well as industry-wide safety reviews. 

The group had set off on an expedition to view the remnants of …

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