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Tom Mulcair: Is Justin Trudeau playing out the clock? [Video]

Canadian National News

Justin Trudeau recorded a long video on the subject of immigration and released it over the weekend. It was a howler.

In it, he blamed Canada’s immigration crisis on: the pandemic, provincial premiers, colleges and universities, “big box stores” (not joking) and, maybe a teeny, tiny bit, his own government.

Not a word about the plan he espoused to bring Canada’s population to 100 million by the end of this century.

He was on track for that. Canada had 36 million souls when Trudeau came to office in 2015; we now number close to 42 million, and counting.

The problem, of course, is not with immigration itself. Every Canadian understands that unless you’re First Nations, Inuit or Métis, your family immigrated here at some point in its history.

The problem is that Trudeau was radically increasing immigration without a thought to the predictable effects on availability of healthcare, education facilities and, most importantly, housing.

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