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Toronto teachers union accuses Ford of diverting attention away from Grassy Narrows [Video]

Ontario News

The union representing some elementary teachers in Toronto says Premier Doug Ford’s comments about a field trip highlighting the challenges facing a northern Ontario First Nation, which ended with students chanting pro-Palestinian slogans, are taking away from the plight of the impacted Indigenous Peoples.

In a statement issued Wednesday, the Elementary Teachers of Toronto (ETT), a local branch of the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (ETFO), said the premier’s recent comments acted as a “diversion” from the core message of last week’s event for the Grassy Narrows First Nation.

“This was a teachable moment, and Doug Ford failed the test. Instead of leadership, he’s shown he will continue to ignore the call of Grassy Narrows for justice, and throw our schools, teachers, and our communities who need help the most under the bus,” the group said in a lengthy statement. “We will continue to support Grassy Narrows in its call for environmental justice.”

As many as 15 schools participated in the Grassy Narrows River Run …

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