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Treaty 4 medals unveiled at Regina City Hall [Video]

Saskatchewan News

To honour the 150th anniversary of the signing of Treaty 4, the City of Regina unveiled two medals at City Hall.

The medals will be displayed as a visual recognition of the treaty signing and their original intentions.

“Having these in the halls of Henry Baker where decisions are made for all people of the city of Regina, but also in the mayor’s office as a constant reminder of that acknowledgment of what treaty was intended,” Mayor Sandra Masters said on Tuesday.

Jim Pratt was one of the attendees of the unveiling. He said the City of Regina acknowledging the treaty is a positive step in in the work of truth and reconciliation.

“I hope this tradition, that they acknowledge this for another 150 years. We’ll be gone by then, but our grandchild, great-grandchildren will be able to see this, we all had a part to try and work together,” …

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