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Truck hauling prefabricated home strikes Metro Vancouver overpass [Video]

British Columbia News

British Columbia’s Highway Patrol says another commercial truck hit an overpass in Metro Vancouver, causing no visible damage but snarling traffic on Wednesday.

Police say the tractor trailer was hauling a prefabricated home along Highway 99 when it hit the Blundell Road overpass.

Highway patrol spokesman Cpl. Michael McLaughlin says a pilot vehicle’s windshield was damaged after the crash. Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement and highway patrol are investigating.

McLaughlin says the truck remained on scene and the driver and company “will be investigated.”

BC Highway Patrol says the overpass wasn’t visibly damaged, but inspectors are “taking a closer look” to make sure it’s safe.

The B.C. government’s tally of overpass crashes since December 2021 says there have been at least 66 such incidents, most of them resulting in fines.

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