Can Canada still build affordable homes?: Tim Sargent and Aled Ab Iorweth
Can Canada still build affordable homes?: Tim Sargent and Aled Ab Iorweth
Coleman Hughes and Abigail Shrier on Identity, Speech, and Policy: Voices that inspire

Trudeau marks the ten-year anniversary of shooting on Parliament Hill [Video]

Canadian Politics and Government
  • 4 hours ago
  • News
  • Duration 2:44

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pays tribute to Cpl. Nathan Cirillo and Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent, calling them ‘proud, devoted, selfless and brave patriots.’ Trudeau also thanks the first responders ‘who rushed towards danger to protect Canadians.’

Global Trade & Innovation Policy Alliance Summit: Peter Copeland on Canada’s digital weakpoints
Global Trade & Innovation Policy Alliance Summit: Peter Copeland on Canada’s digital weakpoints
Karen Restoule on the challenges of Indigenous economic development in Canada: MLI in Parliament