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Trump win fuels discussion of Israel annexing the West Bank. Here’s what that means. [Video]

North West Territories News

In the wake of former President Donald Trump’s re-election, Israel’s far-right minister of finance suggested the country would look to annex the occupied West Bank in 2025. Here’s what you need to know:

What is the West Bank?

The West Bank is an area of land on the west bank of the Jordan River, which is part of the former British-mandated territory of Palestine. It is surrounded by Israel on three sides — the north, west, and south — and it borders the country of Jordan on its east, across the river.

After the departure of British forces in 1948 when the modern state of Israel was created, Arab forces entered and retained the West Bank, and the city of Jerusalem was divided into two sectors: the Israeli west and the Jordanian east.

During the Six-Day War in 1967, Israel occupied the West Bank and established a military administration there. Israel claimed East Jerusalem as part of its own territory, but fighting between …

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