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Two dead after a fatal car wreck on Route 7 in Ohio [Video]

Yukon News

WASHINGTON COUNTY, Ohio (WTAP) – Two people are dead after a car accident on Ohio State Route 7 near the Solvay plant in Warren Township, according to a press release from the Ohio State Highway Patrol.

The crash happened at 6:55 p.m. on Wednesday. Both southbound lanes and one northbound lane of Route 7 were closed for nearly 3 hours, before reopening shortly after 9:30 p.m.

According to the release, a 2016 Lexus RX 350, driven by Eva-Maria Hill, 79, of Marietta Ohio, was going northbound on Route 7 when the car crossed the median and struck a 2018 GMC Yukon driven by Josylin A. Cunningham, 26, of Coolville Ohio, traveling south.

The operators of both vehicles suffered fatal injuries and were pronounced dead at the scene.

The release also said no drugs or alcohol were suspected to be involved in the accident. Both drivers were wearing seatbelts.

The Ohio …

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