Happily ever after? The case for marriage:  Peter Copeland, Andrea Mrozek & Peter Jon Mitchell
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Trump’s tariffs have changed Canada’s political calculus about internal trade barriers: Diya Jiang, Daniel Béland and Trevor Tombe in the Globe and Mail

U.S. Customs and Border Protection announces Peace Bridge arrest [Video]

Canadian National News

Officers said they found an Amadeo Rossi .38 caliber pistol and five rounds of ammunition during a secondary examination.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — A man who inadvertently traveled to the Peace Bridge with a revolver and five rounds of ammunition is facing charges.

The 34-year-old man was driving a commercial truck and working as a local delivery driver when he inadvertently arrived at the Peace Bridge on March 11, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said in a statement.

The man was denied entry into Canada and returned to the United States, at which time told officers he possessed a firearm and was taken aside for a secondary examination. That’s when officers said they found an Amadeo Rossi .38 caliber pistol and five rounds of ammunition.

“It was determined that the man, who currently resides in the state of Florida, unlawfully possessed the firearm due to a prior felony conviction prohibiting possession …

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