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University of Windsor encampment to be removed, agreement reached [Video]

Ontario News

The University of Windsor has confirmed it has reached an agreement with the University of Windsor Student Alliance (UWSA) and students involved in an encampment.

Part of the agreement is that the encampment will peacefully come to an end.

Discussions have been held since the encampment was set up on May 9, 2024.

An independent motion was proposed by the UWSA and led to two different agreements.

In a statement on Instagram, the Palestinian Solidarity Group said the agreement “forcefully declares that Israel is an occupying power and is in serious violation of international law and human rights in Palestine.”

“It compels the university to expand its Responsible Investing Policy to include a Human Rights section incorporating human rights and interanational law in its operational procedures, with special attention to weapon manufacturers,” it continued.

The university said key components of the agreements are:

– Students will remove all tents and materials within 48 hours

– The University’s anti-racism and anti-oppression policies and …

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