October 7th, One year later: The Promised Land Project
October 7th, One year later: The Promised Land Project
Extremism is the new normal in the streets of Trudeau’s post-national Canada: Joe Adam George in the National Post

US Intercepts Bombers Sent by Putin, Xi | Firstpost America | Subscribe to Firstpost [Video]

Canadian Politics and Government

US Intercepts Bombers Sent by Putin, Xi | Firstpost America | Subscribe to Firstpost

US Intercepts Bombers Sent by Putin, Xi | Firstpost America | Subscribe to Firstpost

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) intercepted two Russian and two Chinese bombers flying near Alaska Wednesday in what a US defense official said was the first time the two countries have been intercepted while operating together.

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Canada-US border security - A North American perspective: Alex Dalziel and Alan Bersin
Canada-US border security - A North American perspective: Alex Dalziel and Alan Bersin
The best climate policy? More Canadian commodities: Heather Exner-Pirot in the Hub