British Columbia News

Vancouver senior says he was left in hospital hallway for nearly 60 hours [Video]

Last month Mike Mangan underwent emergency surgery to have his gallbladder removed at Vancouver General Hospital. He praised the doctors for their hard work and care.

“He and his residents were terrific,” said Mangan. “No complaints about the doctors.”

After surgery, Mangan was told he needed to be moved into a hallway while he recovered. The 70-year-old provided photos to CTV News showing his bed with a curtain around it. Other patient beds could also be seen in the hallway.

“It was like some form of torture,” said the 70-year-old. “Constant noise, lights going on and off, I had no call bell, my curtains kept getting brushed so people walking past looked at me.”

Mangan says the noise and lack of privacy made it nearly impossible to get any rest.

“I almost had no sleep. If I fell asleep, an alarm went off,” said Mangan.

He also claims he voiced …

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