Ryan Khurana explains how AI differs from human intelligence and struggles with basic human tasks
Ryan Khurana explains how AI differs from human intelligence and struggles with basic human tasks
Inside Policy: The public policy echo chamber

Video: Bionic knee and ankle system wins big at bio-tech competition [Video]

Canadian National News

A bionic knee and ankle system developed by the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia recently took one of the top prizes at Cybathlon, a competition to showcase technology for those with motor disabilities. Called Omnia, the bionic system consists of motorized knee and ankle components, allowing the user to handle various situations and terrain.


The promise and peril of the AI Revolution: Peter Copeland and Ryan Khurana
The promise and peril of the AI Revolution: Peter Copeland and Ryan Khurana
If the U.S. doesn’t want to trade, let’s try Britain: David Collins in the Financial Post