The show will feature performers from Australia, Canada, Japan, Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Organizers say it will once again be, as always, unabashedly patriotic.
It’s a centuries-old tradition, with ceremonial performances of military music by massed bands, highlighted by the signature pipes and drums… plus, military drill teams, Celtic dancers, and choirs presented in cooperation with NATO, the Norfolk NATO Festival, and the Virginia American Revolution 250 Commission.
The 2025 Virginia International Tattoo will feature an international cast of more than 800 civilian and military performers from six nations: Australia, Canada, Japan, Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
At the heart of this year’s show will be a salute to 250 years of service and sacrifice by the U.S. Army, Marine Corps, and Navy.
“It’s nice when you have an anniversary year, just to remind yourself and everybody else, yeah we appreciate them, and …