Bridging Canada and Latvia: Balkan Devlen and Artis Pabriks
Bridging Canada and Latvia: Balkan Devlen and Artis Pabriks
The long road back for relevance in Canada’s global standing: Robert W. Murray in National Newswatch

Visitors to Ottawa thrilled by Changing of the Guard tradition [Video]

Ontario News

It’s a time-honoured tradition in the nation’s capital. The Changing of the Guard is the summertime ceremony that takes place every morning in Ottawa.

As the Ceremonial Guard marches along the streets of downtown Ottawa toward Parliament Hill, crowds gather to take in the spectacle.

Shelly Cloak and her family travelled from Philadelphia to view the ceremony. “We’re waiting for the Changing of the Guard. I think it’s important to see something that has been around for a long time and just the history of it,” says Cloak.

Emma Marshall and her family are from New York State. They’re on a Canadian summer trip from Montreal to Toronto, and they decided to make a stop in Ottawa. “We’ve never seen this before,” says Marshall, “and we thought it would be really cool to see the …

Free speech on life support in Canada’s universities: Peter Copeland and Ian Brodie
Free speech on life support in Canada’s universities: Peter Copeland and Ian Brodie
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