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Want to find the Andromeda galaxy? Here are 2 ways [Video]

Ontario News
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Irwin Seidman caught the ambience of a red-lit star party on Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Canada, on August 12, 2023. See the Andromeda galaxy high overhead? Wonderful photo, Irwin. Thank you. See how to find the Andromeda galaxy below.

2 ways to find the Andromeda galaxy

Take a night to drive to a dark sky and find the glorious Andromeda galaxy. It’s the great spiral galaxy next door to the Milky Way, and the most distant object you can see with your eye alone. It’s best seen in late evening at this time of year, and will be rising earlier as northern summer edges into fall. Most people find the galaxy by star-hopping from the constellation Cassiopeia the Queen, a very noticeable M- or W-shaped pattern on the sky’s dome.

But you can also find the Andromeda galaxy by star-hopping from the star Alpheratz in the Great Square of Pegasus. …

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