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Warnings, rink closures prompted by dicey ice conditions [Video]

Alberta News

Many Albertans are heading outdoors amid the warm weather this holiday season, but it is prompting several warnings and reminders about the dangers around ice.

RCMP are again urging caution after another truck broke through the ice on Monday in Sylvan Lake.

Two other vehicles became submerged over the weekend, prompting a warning from Mounties to keep motorized vehicles off the ice.

“I would recommend vehicles not be out, especially on Sylvan Lake right now and anywhere in that area. There’s obviously things going on, whether that’s temperature or what have you, that’s making the ice unsafe right now. Stay off the ice,” said Cpl. Troy Savinkoff.

Ice Castle collapses at Lake Louise

A similar sinking situation in Lake Louise, where the always-popular ice castle has started to melt and sink into the water.

The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise said in a statement that conditions have been unable to sustain the ice castle due to the warm weather.

“The safety and well-being of …

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