Are Canadian institutions politically captured? / Peter Copeland and Dave Snow
Are Canadian institutions politically captured? / Peter Copeland and Dave Snow
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Washington County woman calls for justice against alleged scammer [Video]

Canadian Politics and Government

Destiny Magoon has allegedly stolen around $35,000 from around 345 individuals. People from the US and Canada say they have been scammed.

WASHINGTON COUNTY, Ga. — Sandersville native Destiny Magoon, 32, is the owner of Romeo and Juliette Keepsakes, where she created items out of breast milk, hair and ashes. 

She’s also the woman accused of cheating people out of $35,000 dollars. Magoon was arrested April 30, 2024, and indicted in July. Now, she’s asking for another bond hearing.

Donna Miller is a mother who says she was scammed into buying a teddy bear with her breast milk, before losing both the money and the milk.

Miller says she is upset with how the court is dealing with Magoon’s case. She says Magoon is a criminal and she needs to be locked up. 

More than just that, she says social media groups trying to get justice for each victim are more harmful than helpful because Magoon’s lawyer …

Canada-US border security - A North American perspective: Alex Dalziel and Alan Bersin
Canada-US border security - A North American perspective: Alex Dalziel and Alan Bersin
By failing to stand against antisemitism, our leaders have shown they stand for nothing: Dan Pujdak in the National Post