Andrea Mrozek explains how marriage & family life can contribute to reducing societal immaturity
Andrea Mrozek explains how marriage & family life can contribute to reducing societal immaturity
By renaming schools, TDSB is playing into Donald Trump’s hands: Patrice Dutil in the National Post

Watch the top 10 videos from CBC London in 2024

Ontario News

CBC London captured moments in 2024 that highlight people, stories and events from our community. These are the most watched videos from this past year.

10. This 93-year-old goes skiing at Boler Mountain every single day

Stan Grohar of St. Thomas, Ont., is one active senior. He describes his love for skiing, which is an activity he does everyday in the winter. In the summer, he kayaks.

Read the full story here.

9. Harris Park is under water following days of heavy rain

Following record-breaking rainfall in London, Ont., flooding has Harris Park under water, impacting the Thames Valley Parkway and the cancellation of the upcoming Great Outdoors Comedy Festival.

Read the full story here.

8. What happens to your waste once it goes in the green bin?

CBC London got a tour of the Convertus facility which will process and manage waste coming from the green bin program set to start in London …

British Columbia
British Columbia's salmon farmers caught in the net: Ken Coates and Brian Kingzett
A dizzying shift is happening in Canada’s centre-left, but don’t be fooled: Balkan Devlen in the Western Standard