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Whats Cookin’? : Golden Potato Soup [Video]

Yukon News

SIOUX CITY (KTIV) – Tuesday, Feb. 4 was the latest installment of ’What‘s Cookin’ with Jacob Howard‘.

This week, Larry Johns of Sioux City made yet another visit to the KTIV Kitchen. This time to make his Golden Potato Soup.

Golden Potato Soup Recipe

  • Sauté 1/2 cup of fine diced onion
  • Add two 14 oz. cans of chicken broth
  • Add one can of cream of chicken
  • Add 8 cups of diced Yukon gold potatoes
  • Simmer until potatoes are tender
  • Mix 8 oz. of cream cheese with some liquid removed from the soup and add to the soup
  • Add 1/2 lb. of crumbled cooked bacon.

If you want to be on What‘s Cookin’, follow the link here to submit your recipe.

If your recipe is chosen, you will be requested to come to the KTIV station to make the dish on camera. The cookin‘ process will be pre-recorded and you will be featured on KTIV‘s newscast. Our recording times for …

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