Canadian National News

What’s the right temperature for your air conditioning? [Video]

Is your office freezing? Do you need to keep cool to stay healthy? Should you set your thermostat based on recommendations from your utility? If you’re lucky enough to have air conditioning, there are a number of factors to consider when choosing the right temperature.

Comfort and avoiding negative health impacts that come with heat exposure are key. But the hotter it is outside compared to your thermostat setting, the more power air conditioners guzzle. That could strain electricity grids and increase the risk of deadly blackouts during heat waves.

In places with a dirty grid, the energy used to cool buildings can make power plants burn more fossil fuels, which in turn impacts global heating from climate change. Plus, using lots of power can generate big energy bills.

So what to do?

WATCH | Renters without air conditioning vulnerable in extreme heat: While many homeowners retreat to their air-conditioned dwellings to escape the heat wave, not all renters have that option. CBC’s Travis …

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