Prince Edward Island News

Wild blueberry growers in P.E.I., worried about low prices, look to tap into new markets [Video]

P.E.I.’s wild blueberry growers are still feeling the blues over the low prices for their harvest in 2023, and are now turning to new markets in hopes of providing more stability in the industry. 

Benny Nabuurs has a 400-acre wild blueberry farm in Cardigan, in eastern P.E.I., and has been in the business for 35 years. 

He said the volatility of prices has some producers thinking about getting out of the wild blueberry game. 

“In the last four years, we’ve seen record high prices, and they’ve slowly slipped down to record low prices,” Nabuurs said. 

“To the point now where the prices that were offered last year were below what it cost to produce an acre of blueberries.”

Nabuurs says the wild blueberry crop he’s seen so far this year looks average to slightly above average. (Nancy Russell/CBC)

Last year, Nabuurs said growers were paid 35 cents per pound by …

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