Manitoba News

Winnipegger stars in newest Apple commercial [Video]

Apple commercials typically showcase the latest and greatest gadgets from the tech giant – and one Winnipeg woman is using her appearance in a recent ad to highlight how living with a disability doesn’t slow her down.

Melissa Shapiro, a 26-year-old policy analyst, was born with only one hand – but some Apple features allow her to use the company’s products just like anyone else.

Shapiro appears at the beginning of the commercial readying for a workout. With a flick of her fingers, her Apple Watch comes to life – and Good Times by Jungle starts playing.

“It was so surreal – that’s the word I keep using,” Shapiro told CTV News Friday about her commercial debut. “Very surreal and just so special.”

Shapiro landed on Apple’s radar because of her Instagram page where she posts videos about adaptive fitness and exercise.

“I have a really cool workout device – kind of similar to a prosthetic… …

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