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WNBA reveals Tempo as team name for Toronto 2026 expansion team NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth [Video]

Canadian Environment and Climate

The WNBA has its newest team name: the Toronto Tempo.

Tempo was chosen as the Toronto franchise’s identity after a public engagement program where more than 10,000 people weighed in before executives came to the final decision.

The branding was officially announced Thursday, with a logo and team colors but no uniforms just yet.

“Tempo is pace. It’s speed. It’s a heartbeat. And it’s what you feel when you step into the streets of this city, and in the energy of the people who call Canada home,” Toronto Tempo president Teresa Resch said in a press release. “As Canada’s WNBA team, I know the Tempo will set our own pace, move at a championship cadence, and inspire people across this country.”

Canada’s first WNBA team is set to begin play in 2026 as the league continues expanding. The Golden State Valkyries will join the leaguein 2025 and a Portland, Oregon, franchise will enter along with the Tempo the …

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