Russia and China, partners in the Arctic? / Double Trouble: Balkan Devlen with Alex Dalziel
Russia and China, partners in the Arctic? / Double Trouble: Balkan Devlen with Alex Dalziel
Russia and China in the Arctic: Alex Dalziel on the Brian Crombie Hour

workplace harassment, sexual violence vitcims can get free legal counsel in Quebec [Video]

Quebec News

Quebec has announced $2.4 million over four years to cover the legal expenses for people who file claims of psychological harassment or sexual violence in the workplace.

Labour Minister Jean Boulet made the announcement today alongside Sophie Gagnon, head of the non-profit legal organization Juripop, which will receive the funding.

Boulet says the money will help the organization’s lawyers give free legal services to about 300 people per year.

To be eligible for the funding people will have to file a complaint with the province’s workplace safety board.

The funding envelope is connected to a law adopted in March aimed at preventing workplace psychological harassment and sexual violence.

A committee of three professors had recommended the funding, saying that complainants did not have sufficient personalized support to be properly represented in their claims before the workplace safety board.

— This report by The Canadian Press was first published on June …

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