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Xavia Butler: family members find healing around sacred fire [Video]

Manitoba News

A sacred fire burning in Winnipeg has brought healing and hope to some members of Xavia Skye Lynn Butler’s family.

“The last couple of days, it’s been unreal,” said Natalie Anderson on Monday. “Everything’s coming together, giving me a lot of strength.”

Anderson told CTV News she had a private agreement with Xavia’s biological mother to raise the little girl from birth, but at nine months, Xavia was taken from Anderson. Butler’s biological family previously told CTV News they had no comment.

The little girl’s remains were found in a barn off Highway 6 near Gypsumville, Man., in June. The RCMP confirmed the remains belonged to Butler earlier this month and said her death is being investigated as a homicide.

On Friday, a fire was lit in Memorial Provincial Park by Anderson to send Xavia’s spirit on a safe journey to be with her ancestors.

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